Emily Benitez ● March 05, 2024

Let’s admit we're all here because, sorry… What is creatine?  It’s a supplement that may appear a tad daunting due to its loud endorsement within the athletic community. However, it could be worthy of the hype, as creatine is not only intriguing but also packed with numerous potential benefits.

Creatine is not just a buzzword in the fitness community; it's a compound derived from three amino acids which are naturally present in the muscles and brain. While seafood and red meat offer a modest natural dose, athletes and bodybuilders often turn to synthetic creatine supplements for a performance boost.


Considering Creatine?

Creatine is generally safe for healthy adults, but there are some things to consider:

Green Light:  If you're a healthy adult looking to maximise your workouts, creatine might be a good fit. Research suggests it can improve performance in activities requiring short bursts of high intensity, like weightlifting or sprinting.

Red Light: Hold off on creatine if you have pre-existing kidney or liver conditions, or are pregnant or breastfeeding. It's always best to consult a doctor before starting any supplements, especially if you have any health concerns.

Drawbacks to Consider:

Creatine is generally well-tolerated, but some potential drawbacks exist:

  • Dehydration: Creatine can pull water into your muscles, so staying well-hydrated is crucial.
  • Weight Gain: Creatine can cause a slight increase in water weight as your muscles store more water.

Why Athletes Love Creatine? 

Long story short: enhanced strength, increased muscle mass, and improved overall performance. Creatine has been shown to enable athletes to push through more reps and sprints, leading to significant gains. It's particularly favoured by those engaged in high-intensity intermittent activities, where rapid recovery is essential during both training and competition.

Let’s Get Sciency!

Creatine acts like a teammate to your body's natural energy system. Imagine ATP (adenosine triphosphate) as the fuel powering your intense workouts. Creatine helps stock your muscles with phosphocreatine, which acts like a quick-release reservoir for that fuel. When you push hard, creatine donates a phosphate group to your ATP, replenishing it instantly. This translates to explosive energy for those short bursts of activity, like weightlifting or sprints, and faster recovery between sets so you can keep pushing your limits.

In simpler terms: Creatine helps your body fire on all cylinders during intense exercise by providing a readily available energy boost and speeding up recovery, allowing you to potentially train harder and see results faster.

Improved Cell Hydration: Creatine draws water into muscle cells, leading to increased cell hydration. This cell volumisation effect can contribute to better endurance during workouts, reducing the risk of dehydration and muscle cramping. The enhanced hydration supports overall muscle function and recovery.

Boosted Workload Capacity: Creatine reports show that it can enable athletes to perform more in a single training session. This increased capacity is a key factor in long-term muscle growth. With more reps and sets achievable, individuals can push their limits and stimulate muscle adaptation, promoting strength gains over time.

Cell Signaling and Muscle Repair: Creatine can enhance satellite cell signaling, which plays a crucial role in muscle repair and the generation of new muscle tissue. This improved cell signaling supports the recovery process after strenuous exercise, helping to repair microtears in muscle fibers and promote muscle growth.

Creatine facilitates rapid energy replenishment, improves hydration, boosts overall workload capacity, and aids in muscle repair processes. These combined effects contribute to a quicker recovery between exercises, allowing individuals to perform more reps and sets during training sessions.


Taking creatine isn't as intimidating as it may seem. For those hitting the gym, incorporating creatine into your routine can be as simple as adding it to your post-workout shake or mixing it with water. The key is consistency to unlock its full benefit. Incorporate creatine into your daily routine, whether it's in the morning, post-workout, or whenever suits you best. Regular usage ensures a steady supply of creatine in your muscles, maximising its performance-enhancing effects.

Creatine draws water into your muscles, contributing to cell volumisation. To optimize this effect and support overall well-being, ensure you stay adequately hydrated throughout the day.

Embrace the science, understand the benefits, and fear not – there are many ingredients  to elevate your performance and redefine your fitness journey. Decide what aligns best with your approach. Remember, every fitness journey is unique!